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Kategori: Her diskuteres nyhederne råt og usødet (Nyhedsdebat)
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Amazon i frontalangreb på Apple HomePod, AirPods og CarPlay
Kategori: Her diskuteres nyhederne råt og usødet (Nyhedsdebat)


26. september 2019 @ 00:02

Nu går Jeff Bezos for alvor i kødet på Siri, Tim Cook og kompagni:

Amazon is ready to push Alexa into every single corner of your life with its new wave of Echo products that were unveiled to the public this morning.

Armed with 15 new products, Amazon is ready to challenge Apple like never before and even introduced some bold new products like its new smart glasses and smart ring that give you 24/7 access to Alexa wherever you go. While Apple’s iPhone 11 keynote featured zero mentions of Siri, Amazon’s yearly product keynote put Alexa’s might on full display.

Amazon is on a mission to make Alexa smarter than Siri and baking it into pretty much everything. On the privacy side, Amazon will now let you know what Alexa hears and delete data regularly. They’ve also added neural text-to-speech, like Apple added to Siri, only Amazon has taken it a step farther with celebrity voices too. Multi-lingual support, Frustration Detection, WiFi controls, car integration and much more are also coming to Alexa.

Apple’s strategy with Siri hasn’t been nearly as aggressive as Amazon’s. The way Apple sees it, Siri is already everywhere because you take your iPhone everywhere. Amazon’s new lineup of products makes it so you don’t even have to pull your iPhone out of your pocket to get help from a digital AI assistant. Here are all the new ways Amazon is looking to squeeze Alexa into your life.
