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Websites står svagt mod HomePod
Kategori: Her diskuteres nyhederne råt og usødet (Nyhedsdebat)


01. juni 2018 @ 17:30
Virtual Machine

HomePod banker websites af banen

Jeg har længe undret mig over hvilken teknologi vil tage over for websites og browsere i stil med smartwatches langsomt æder sig ind på smartphonens markedsandele. Apple Watch har taget en stor byrde af min iPhone.

HomePod og andre digitale assistenter tager over, hvor hjemmesiders forældet teknologi ikke længere holder. Det være sig nyhedssites, messaging, support og services, handle ind, åbningstider, generelle informationer, lokationer og enda kombinere dem alle i en kalender hvor Siri foreslår rettelser så den passer bedre til ens egne planer og synkronisere dem over på Apple Watch. Det giver mening efter som man ikke længere behøver at tænde et apparat og skrive en tekst i en browser for at søge efter en hjemmeside og vente på et resultat længere nede på siden (hvis man er heldig). Nu kan man blot spørge Siri mens man braser kartofler og konen smider ungerne i seng. Teknologien er osse 30 år gammel og der er ikke sket meget ved den teknologi siden hen, hvis man sammenligner det med alt andet teknologi i samme branche. Den ligner sig selv fra første version til nu, dog blot lidt pænere at se på. Det vil bare være et spørgsmål om tid inden at websites til blive skiftet ud med noget mere tidssvarende.

Når man tager det i betragtning, og så lige tilføjer alt det andet den allerede kan, og kommer til at kunne i fremtiden, så ser jeg en klar linie.

Jeg tror på at HomePod vil tage en stor byrde fra websites af den type i fremtiden. Men jeg tror osse de samme websites vil fortsætte med at eksistere på ét eller andet plan, fordi der sgu da skide hyggeligt at smække røven i sædet og høvle et par timer af på den måde.

Disclaimer: Jeg ved ikke om den her form for nyheder må smides direkte op her på Macnyt. Derfor er den her.

Dilithium batteries and Neural Network Gel is the future


02. juni 2018 @ 09:32

Interessant, men man kan ikke se den hjemmeside....

Alt muligt til salg, apple-dele, cykler, både, foto, se min hjemmeside


02. juni 2018 @ 09:33

Uinteressant, men man kan ikke se noget på det link

Alt muligt til salg, apple-dele, cykler, både, foto, se min hjemmeside


02. juni 2018 @ 13:04
Virtual Machine

Jeg ved ikke lige hvad der går galt, for jeg har ingen login som der nu kræves   


"Forget stumbling through a customer-support page — the future of commerce won't be found by surfing the World Wide Web. Soon many of the tasks we now do via websites and brand-specific apps will be handled through messaging and voice platforms like iMessage, WhatsApp, and Amazon's Alexa, according to Alex Spinelli, the chief technology officer at LivePerson. Today, companies like Home Depot, T-Mobile, and Discover manage customer-service chat with LivePerson. Though chat is seeing a resurgence thanks to the proliferation of smartphones, LivePerson was actually founded in 1995 as a web-chat alternative to 1-800 numbers and call centers. The company went public in April 2000, just in time for the dot-com bubble to burst. By September 2001, shares were trading at $0.11, though they have since rebounded to about $19, giving LivePerson a market cap of nearly $1 billion. LivePerson's modern vision means no more awkward drop-down menus, no more shopping carts, and definitely no more URLs. "Our thesis is that conversation is a more natural way of interacting with brand services," Spinelli said. "It will become the dominant way that people interact in their digital lives." It may seem like a big leap from the present day, but Spinelli envisions a world five years from now in which there are no websites and very few apps. "The whole app catastrophe that lives on your phone is overwhelming," Spinelli said. "On my iPhone, I have 127 apps that need updating. You can't keep up." Meanwhile, people will continue to interact with screens. In Spinelli's vision, the e-commerce shopping experience of the future starts when a carousel of items pops up at the bottom of the screen. The shopper browses the carousel, clicks the item they want, and instantly pays through a system like Apple Pay. All of that happens within a chat window. And that vision isn't too far off from what's already on the market today. Apple and Google are prepared for this future The Home Depot experience on Apple Business Chat is powered by LivePerson on the back end.LivePersonOn Thursday, LivePerson announced a new offering called LiveEngage for Voice Assistants, which lets customers start interacting with a brand through a voice assistant like Alexa while hanging out at home and then move that conversation over to chat on a mobile device when they leave the house.

Dilithium batteries and Neural Network Gel is the future


02. juni 2018 @ 13:07
Virtual Machine

Del 2:

"The big idea behind LiveEngage is that customers can have one continuous conversation across multiple modes of communication — something that dovetails with the bigger vision of LivePerson. Spinelli joined LivePerson in March after five years at Amazon — first as director of Amazon Search, and later as global head of Alexa OS, the operating system behind Amazon's famed voice assistant. When he learned that both Apple and Google added conversational commerce products directly into their smartphone operating systems, he decided to make the move to LivePerson, where he could embrace the trend head-on. Apple Business Chat launched in beta mode with select brands last year. It's designed to let customers find brands on iMessage and interact with them using dynamic features that manage everything from scheduling an appointment to making a purchase. Google's Android has a similar option with its business-focused Rich Communication Services, currently in beta. LivePerson handles the back end of business conversations on ABC and RCS. Importantly, it lets companies use one interface to communicate across a variety of chat apps — basically, whichever is most convenient for the customer. LivePerson also uses artificial intelligence to answer some questions and passes the conversation to a live agent if things get too tricky." 

For satan den var tricky at kopiere fordi jeg først lige nu opdagede at kun må være 2500 karakterer i tekstfeltet. Jeg spekulerede i om der kan være en ukorrent karakter i teksen som macnyt ikke kan håndtere, eller noget?!?   

Palle: Kan du ikke placere den karakter-tæller et andet sted, for den er tit i vejen for selv teksten man skriver, fordi teksten glider ind under?

Dilithium batteries and Neural Network Gel is the future