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The history of the Apple logo - a new series of articles at Macnyt
The history of the Apple logo - a new series of articles at Macnyt
When market analysts value which brands are most valuable, Apple is often high on the list. Appleís apple logo has helped build the brand, Apple has today, and there is a long tale hanging to the genesis of the logo. Macnyt can today present a small world first: The full story on the genesis of the logo, it's appearance, meaning and interpretations. Update: For all you Danish readers: Check out the Danish version of this article series We all know Apple's characteristic apple logo, most of us remember the logo, as the joyous rainbow colored apple, sitting on every grey Macintosh. But when it comes to, how Steve Jobs & co. at the founding of Apple back in the seventies actually came up with the idea, that the company should be characterized by an apple, and why the apple logo looks like it does, most of us have to give up. The primary source of information in investigating the history of the logo has of course been the sea of information on the Internet. There is, however no complete account on this particular bit of Apple history. Several hours of search for the history gives lots of fragments, but it's up to you to piece it together. A number of books on Appleís history adds even more to the full picture. Macnyt has, once and for all, tried to put all the pieces together. For science, all sources of information is given. The following account is accompanied by pictures in a quality, giving justice to the history of the genesis of the logo. Why "Apple" at all? No one seems to know precisely why Apple came to be called Apple. No one would normally associate computers with an apple. We'll later on see why it was a good idea to use an apple as company trade mark. Myth tells that there were several good reasons, that the choice fell on the apple. Steve Jobs is told to have been working on an apple farm in the summer of 1975 or 1976, and he admired The Beatles' gramophone label "Apple Records". As Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak couldn't find a name for the company, they decided to call the company Apple. On April 1. 1976, Apple Computer, Inc. was founded. Macnyt may possibly follow up on the story on the choice of the name "Apple", but we haven't researched that fully as yet. Following is documented how the company name had its logo, contributing in making Apple the strong brand it is today. These articles are kindly translated from Danish to English by Mogens Thyregod The chapters of the history of the Apple logo: [#] The history of the Apple logo - a new series of articles at Macnyt [#] The early start and a missing graphical identity (1) [#] The genesis of the world famous apple logo (2) [#] The apple logo in the first printed matters (3) [#] The logo on the computers - a sign of quality (4) [#] Further streamlining: The stripes disappear (5) [#] Later interpretations of the logos meaning (6) [#] Sources to the history of the Apple logo (7)
02-07-2002, kl. 04.03 - Kategori: Historisk Set
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